Slugline for social media artical
Slugline for social media artical

slugline for social media artical

Why does happen? Mistakes you don’t realize you’re making…ģ. Do you have ? Check out these simple solutions.Ģ. Draw inspiration from the questions your own customers often ask.ġ. These headlines take the form of a question that consumers already want answered. The same thought processes could hold true for content on any topic.Īre you ready to start creating great titles for your own content? Below are 30 examples of catchy social media headlines that are sure to get you clicks: Risks? I didn’t know there were risks to something so healthy! Now, I know I’m talking a lot about apples here but that’s just to keep my comparisons together. In yet another instance I saw an article that promised to tell me, “The Hidden Risks Behind America’s Apple Obsession”. I knew apples were healthy but this sounds like it’s going to give me some very specific information I might not already have. Now this article looks a little more intriguing. On another occasion I read a title that looked something like this, “10 Reasons Eating an Apple a Day Will Keep the Dr. Well, duh! Of course apples are healthy! Why would I click on that? I obviously already know everything there is to know about that subject (even if I really don’t, that’s my reasoning) so I’m moving on. Once upon a time, many years ago, I was scrolling through my Twitter feed when I read a title something like this, “Apples are Healthy”. Your content title has to be more appealing than these things! You have to compete with Cousin Sally’s puppy photos and new baby pictures from your audience’s friends. You must remember that your content is always in competition with every other piece of content and social update. If the headline is boring, it won’t matter how exciting and informative your content is. You want to entice the reader to click the link leading to your blog, and you want your content to meet the reader’s expectations once they get there. Slugline allows you to be as structured as you like, even if that means not at all.Writing a good social media headline can be as important as writing the body of content itself. Or jot down a placeholder for your third-act twist while you’re still crafting your opening pages. Start with an outline, then seamlessly transition to writing scenes. When you open it in Slugline again, everything will be there, properly formatted.​


Slugline uses the free and open Fountain screenplay format, which is nothing more than plain text.​ You can work on your screenplay anywhere, using any writing app. ⋮ Includes Courier Prime, a beautiful typeface designed for screenplays ⋮ Notes, Scene Synopses, and Omitted text help keep you organized ⋮ Helpful structure templates, including the famous beat sheet from Save the Cat!® ⋮ Printed on paper or PDF, your screenplay is indistinguishable from one made with apps costing much more ⋮ Works with iOS 11 Drag and Drop and the Files app ⋮ Sync files with iCloud and Dropbox, or work locally It automatically turns your writing into a properly formatted screenplay, without you ever needing to press the Tab key. Slugline is a minimal, distraction-free environment for the most important part of screenwriting-the writing part.


The highest-rated screenwiting app on the Mac App Store comes to iOS!

Slugline for social media artical