Quod fieri necesse est.
Quod fieri necesse est.

  1. #Quod fieri necesse est. plus#
  2. #Quod fieri necesse est. free#

#Quod fieri necesse est. free#

His bishop himself will not be free from the charge of connivance and from being punished, if he has neglected to point out that the presbyter was acting in an unbridled manner. Adjective edit necesse ( indeclinable ) unavoidable, particularly : necessary needed.

#Quod fieri necesse est. plus#

Plus dolet quam necesse est, qui ante dolet quam necesse est - He who. Let us decide what needs to be done if a transgression of this kind has been approved by the granting of his bishop. Frustra fit per plura, quod fieri potest per pauciora - It is vain to do by many. Nor should he think by any reckoning that he has the right of creating a deacon or acolyte without the supreme pontiff, nor should he be in any doubt at all that he will immediately be deprived of his priestly rank and of holy communion if he has deemed that something pertaining particularly to the episcopal ministry should be carried out on his own initiative. He should not sit or handle the venerable mysteries, unless he is ordered to do so. Praeterea accidit, quod fieri necesse erat, ut vulgo milites ab signis discederent, quae quisque eorum carissima. In the presence of any superior ( antistes), unless perhaps he is ordered, the presbyter may not presume to have the licence of acting in the role of the bishop. quod si Dei volunt as est providentia, necesse est recta ratione, & optim, & divinissim, & qua sola ratione recte se habeant fieri quae sunt. 4 Quod consilium etsi in eiusmodi casu reprehendendum non est, tamen incommode accidit: 5 nam et nostris militibus spem minuit et hostes ad pugnam alacriores effecit, quod non sine summo timore et desperatione id factum videbatur. Esse tibi tanta cautus brevitate videris. Te conviva leget mixto quincunce, sed ante 10 Incipiat positus quam tepuisse calix. Quod vero ad mulieres spectat, concedenda iisdem est facultas peragendi operis in talibus rerum adiunctis. quod fieri necesse erat: i.e., a thing which was inevitable (Gaisser).

quod fieri necesse est. quod fieri necesse est. quod fieri necesse est.

No less do we forbid presbyters to go beyond their authority and take boldly upon themselves the duties that accrue to the exalted rank of bishop: they are not to perform chrism, and are not to lay claim to the faculty of confirmation, which belongs to the bishop. Hoc primum est, brevior quod mihi charta perit 5 Deinde, quod haec una peraget librarius hora, Nec tantum nugis serviet ille meis Tertia res haec est, quod si cui forte legeris, Sis licet usque malus, non odiosus eris. Quod cnsilium ets in iusmod cs reprehendendum nn est, tamen incommod accidit: nam et nostrs mlitibus spem minuit et hosts ad pgnam alcrirs effcit, quod nn sine summ timre et dsprtine id factum vidbtur.

Quod fieri necesse est.